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Friday, July 26, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own experience."  
                                                        Lilian Katz

"Curriculum is not delivered.  Milk is delivered." 
                                                           Lilian Katz

"I think the biggest thing a parent can give a child today is resilience-helping them see they have the inner resources to overcome whatever they have to."
                                                          T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.

"You learn more from your mistakes than you do from your successes."
                                                        T. Beery Brazelton, M.D.

"Preschool years are the most critical..."
                                                        Louise Derman-Sparks

"My passion is intrinsic motivation..."

                                                    Raymond Hernandez  MS Ed 

"When you're on fire about what you do, it energizes you, and you can put energy back in your work."

                                                          Curt Rosengren



  1. I found all of your quotes absolutely enlightening. I really liked the quote "Curriculum is not delivered. Milk is delivered." - Lilian Katz I thought it was so true. You have to present the curriculum and reach a child's understanding!

  2. I liked the quote you posted from T. Berry Brazelton about resilience being the biggest thing parents can give their children. I think that parents sometimes get caught up just trying to get through the day that they lose the bigger picture.

  3. I like the quote about learning more from mistakes than successes (T. Berry Brazelton). I have often thought this to be true because, as with most people, I remember my mistakes in much more detail than I remember my successes. It is always my goal to learn from my mistakes and move on with the hope that I will not repeat them.

  4. It's short and sweet but straight to the point. It's not easy writing curriculums that will relate to all children. That's why am a firm believer in fun activities while teaching a lesson. Curriculums show the teaching ability of the teacher and how the children learn. I learn it is what you put into it that will benefit the growth of the child.
