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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ms. Jill

Here I am at 13 months confused about my place in the world!  I finally found my passion....Early Childhood Education.  Funny how I still strike this pose when I am thinking 54 years later.

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes......

It is fun to talk and listen to children as their perspective about the world around them is so different from adults.  After being in the early childhood field for over thirty years, I  finally started writing down some of the funny things that I have heard.  Here are just a few.......

*A three year old heard the music of an ice cream truck while playing on the playground and his teacher made a comment about the yummy ice cream the man has in his truck.  The three year old said "That's not an ice cream truck.....that's a musical ambulance."  His parents did not want him to ask for ice cream when the truck came around so they told him it was a musical ambulance.

*In Kansas we have a lot of tornadoes.  A few months ago Wichita had a close call with a tornado wanting to touch down but did not.  A three year old came to daycare the next day and informed everyone that "There's a tomato in the sky!" 

*A three year old kept saying that she has a "nipple" on her cheek.  She meant that she had a dimple on her cheek!

*A four year old informed me that her mommy was going to have a baby, it is going to be a girl, and my sister's name is going to be Sweet Pea.  Mom was going to have a baby but they did not know the sex yet.  When they arrived at home that same day, the UPS people had left a large box at the front door.  The four year old saw the package and told mom "My baby sister is finally here!  Hurry up and open the box so she can breath!"    

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quotes To Live By......

"Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn."

Benjamin Franklin

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw

"Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression."

Dr. Haim Ginott

Ms. Kitty and Ms. Jill

Ms. Kitty and Ms. Jill

As Ms. Kitty, resident pet therapist at Trinity Daycare, and myself were walking through the Pre-K Dinosaur Class, one four year old wanted us to stop and pose so she could draw us!  Of course we stopped and sat down in a chair; Ms. Kitty sat in the chair next to me.  We stayed for about ten minutes and then went on our way.  At the end of the day, this child presented me with her drawing.  Notice the earrings she drew on me.  I chose this drawing because I was flattered that this child wanted to draw the cat and myself, and even more excited when she gave it to me to keep.  

My Favorite Children's Book

One of my favorite books is Edwina The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct written and illustrated by Mo Williams.  This is one of my favorite books because the main character is a dinosaur and she does many things I would do.  Edwina even has her finger and toe nails painted like me!  When I read it, I always change the name from Edwina to Ms. Jill and all the children giggle.

Everyone in town  knows Edwina.  She is the dinosaur who plays with the kids.  She is the dinosaur who helps little old ladies cross the street.  And best of all, she bakes yummy chocolate-chip cookies.  Everyone loves Edwina except for Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie.  Reginald knows dinosaurs are extinct and is ready to prove it.