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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

I researched the Division for Early Childhood (DEC). According to DEC (n.d.) this organization was started in 1973 by a group of volunteers who were advocates for young children with special needs. DEC is one of 17 divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), which is the largest professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of children with disabilities and gifted children. The mission for DEC promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC is an international membership organization. I chose this organization because of the exceptional children they advocate for. Having a disability, no matter how small, can be traumatic for the child and his family. Even being gifted can make school difficult for children. I found that this organization bridges the gap between research and practice while offering guidance to parents and professionals. One job opportunity that is actually opened that I would be interested in is Instructor, Early Childhood Education. This position would give me the responsibility to participate in the planning, implementing, and evaluation of educational programs and courses. I would need a Master's degree in child development and be sensitive to and understanding the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students. I would need to be a leader and have experience teaching on this level. Salary is open, but I would have to move to sunny California if I received this job.

Another organization I researched is The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). Their mission statement is to conduct and communicate research to support high-quality, effective early childhood education for all young children. According to NIEER (2015) such education enhances their physical, cognitive, and social development, and the subsequent success in school and later life. I chose this organization because I am an advocate for high-quality care in all early childhood facilities and feel that these facilities should have someone to help stimulate national and state discussions of early education policy. To partner with other organizations to help develop a national research agenda to deliver important information about early education in a way that is not confusing for the director, teachers, and parents is important. The job that I found is Data Collector. A data collector would train others to administer standard preschool evaluation measures, child assessment as well as classroom observation instruments. The education needed is a BA with a focus on child development and experience working in a classroom setting. This job stresses that the candidate must demonstrate an excellent academic record, and that Spanish speakers are needed. 

A third organization that I was interested in is Zero To Three. I have used this website for many years and find it invaluable for my needs. Zero To Three is a national center for Infants, toddlers, and their families. According to Zero To Three (2014) it is the nation's leading nonprofit for advancing the importance of the first three years of life. This organization was established in 1977 and its multicultural and diverse environment encourages the exchange of ideas. The job I found here will also send me to sunny California and the job title is Senior Training Specialist. The position will have me being responsible for project activities including content development, training, and facilitation. I would also train trainers and contribute to high quality written content, research and facilitate workshops, and collect and organize data. I would need a Master's degree in early childhood education with extensive knowledge of infants' and toddlers' development and behavior. Also a minimum of eight years of experience in the field and at least four years of experience as a trainer is needed. 

Out of these three jobs, I would enjoy working at Zero To Three the most. I like to train teachers and develop new curriculum and programs, and I understand the importance of the first three years of a child's life. 

Division for Early Childhood. (n. d.). Retrieved from, http://www.dec-sped.org

National Institute for Early Education Research. (2015). Retrieved from, http://www.nieer.org/about/vision

Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and families. (2014). Retrieved from, http://www.zerotothree.org/  


  1. Jill,
    All three organizations you chose are great! I like NIEER for their fact based research and information. Zero To Three has always been one of my favorites, as they have a focus on military families, something you do not see very often. Thanks for the information!

  2. Hello Jill,
    You provided some great national organizations. I have always enjoyed Zero to Three. In one of our past courses, I signed up to receive their monthly newsletter and still continue to do so. They are always so interesting and informative. I think that I would enjoy working for their organization. I am very interested in child development so the job opportunity that you came across sounds intriguing. Conducting workshops on the subject would also be interesting. Plus, moving to California wouldnt be so bad! Thanks for all of the resources!

  3. Hi Jill,
    I appreciate your detailed work. I have chosen to work with NIEER too and the job vacancy you have here is quite interesting--data collector. I am looking forward to working with research teams that will enable me have practical experience on research. You did a nice job!!

  4. Hi Jill,
    Thank you for sharing information about the DEC! I also chose NIEER, I have been following their newsletters and research about quality early childhood education.
    Great post!
