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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Time Well Spent

The most important thing about being a teacher of young children is a willingness to learn about a child by being with a child and responding to a child. 

Leadership is one deeply felt learning opportunity that I experienced from this program. Everything rises and falls with leadership. A great leader spends a great deal of time outside the office walking around, watching each teacher's reactions to the children, listening, and taking mental notes to what each teacher is drawn to and what each one struggles with. 

Another deeply felt learning opportunity that I experienced is an anti-bias curriculum and language diversity. There is not enough training on how to integrate an anti-bias curriculum into the classroom on a daily basis and always seems to be overlooked. The learning environment must have a sense of community as teachers must take into consideration the different cultures, languages, values, and traditions. By doing this, a cultural pluralist environment will evolve and children can work toward a common goal, yet still have their own identity.  

A third deeply felt learning opportunity is the passion that I have for the early childhood profession. My passion and motivation for being in the early childhood field is intrinsic and this is why I have been in this field for thirty-four years. According to Laureate Education, Inc. (2013) the passion to create a safe and just world for children is there. I have the energy, knowledge, and passion, which draws staff to me, which in turn, motivates them to to catch the passion for their job. I want all my teachers to have the deep passion that I feel for the children in my care.  

One long term goal that I want to fulfill is to create SUPER CHILDREN giving them a safe place for growth of the mind, body, and spirit while making a difference in their life. I also want to actually develop an anti-bias curriculum and train other teachers how to integrate this curriculum into everyday activities.   

I would like to thank all my peers and Dr. Darragh for the support, advice, and inspiration throughout my Master's courses. I have enjoyed learning about everyone's work experiences and what they plan to do with their degree. Remember that your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone's and everyone's negativity, and I feel that all of you have the enthusiasm to touch the life's of your staff, children, and their parents. Thank you for the stories of your successes and the times that were not so successful. My hope is that everyone will continue to be advocates in the early childhood field and make a difference in the life of a child. My wish is for everyone to smile and laugh; two things that children naturally share and pass on to others as we shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. Good luck to everyone and thanks!

100 years from now...it will not matter what my bank account was, the type of house I live in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a CHILD.               -Anonymous

I teach with my heart and my soul and not my mouth alone.      -Jaime Escalante

It takes a village to raise a child.             -African Proverb 

Laureate Education, Inc. (2013). (Producer). Merging, Vision, passion, and Practice. [Video]. 


  1. Jill,

    Looks like you and I are on the same page with leadership and passion. I like how you said catch the passion. Sometimes a team members fire just needs a little bit of kindling and then it turns into a hot roaring fire of early childhood passion.
    How exciting that you want to develop a curriculum. I remember a professor once telling me during my undergraduate program that I should only look at curriculum created by a person with a Masters or higher. Guess what Jill....you have a MASTERS! If you want any feedback or input just send me an email! loveandjoyineducation@gmail.com.

    God bless you!

  2. Hi Jill,
    Thank you for sharing your passion and motivation for the early childhood field! I have really learned a lot from your blogs and discussion posts!
    I wish you all the best in your career!

  3. Jill,
    Thanks for sharing you learning with this program. Congrats as you earn your Master’s degree. You are so right about leadership and what a leader should be. I believe that if you want other to follow your lead, you must show it by modeling good leadership behaviors and communication. Good luck in your future endeavors and you desires to be the best teacher you can be to children. Keep advocating for culture and language diversity in classrooms. We need to keep working on changing curriculum; maybe we can collaborate and write a curriculum that is specific to language and culture. Keep in contact; I am always ready to get involved as needed.

  4. Hi Jill,
    Congratulations on your achievement!! I also love so much the first quote because I see it happening. A child taught by you several years ago will remember the impacts many years after.
    Keep up the good work as you forge ahead in your career.

  5. Congratulations! I loved your first quote and your first two quotes. I don't care how much money I make, I just want to make a difference in a child's life. That's why I chose to be a teacher for the passion of wanting to make a difference in a child's life. I see that you have this passion as well. I wish you nothing but the best!
