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Monday, July 8, 2013

Quotes To Live By......

"Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn."

Benjamin Franklin

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw

"Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression."

Dr. Haim Ginott


  1. I really like the quote, "Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression." by Dr. Haim Ginott. I feel that children really love to learn. We have the tools to ensure that they have a sound education.

  2. Rachel, this is why teachers have to be a positive role model for children because we are the "cement" and children like to emulate us.

  3. I love the quote you posted by Benjamin Franklin. I believe to you truly can't understand something until you yourself try it.

  4. Jill, Couldn't agree more about being a positive role model! Also I love the Benjamin Franklin quote. So many people are hands on learners and don't learn very well by being talked at. Involvement in the classroom not only keeps students more engaged in the lesson but helps them learn better.

  5. Jill,
    I just want to thank you for the numerous comments that you made to my blog. They were very encouraging. Also, the comments you made about respect were very useful. Additional, I enjoyed reading your blog posts. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

    Thanks again,
